Here is another great holiday gift idea while supporting the Touchet FFA kids! Sock Fundraiser! Scan the QR code and place the order directly while helping out the Touchet FFA! Or Contact Mr. Maiden with additional questions!
8 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Did you know you can get a box of See's Candy delivered right to your doorstep just in time for the holidays? FBLA is selling See's candy to raise money for their club! Contact Mrs. Short or Mrs. Crenshaw for more information on how to order your holiday chocolates from an FBLA member. Orders will be turned in on November 27th! So, get your chocolates ordered today! Also are you curious what FBLA is and what they raise funds for? Come to the informational meeting on November 21st @ 5 pm, in the school library. Mrs. Crenshaw will be available to answer any questions!
8 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
See's Candies Fundraiser
See's Candy Selection
Middle School Fall Sports Awards! Tuesday the 21st, 2:05 pm during 7th period in the commons!
8 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Middle School Fall Sports awards
IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE! The Fall Sports Awards banquet has been moved to Tuesday, November 21st, at 7 pm!
8 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Date change fall sports awards banquet
Who's ready for a little donkey basketball action! FFA presents an evening of fun and entertainment this Sunday night at 6pm in the RedHawk gym! Get your tickets in advance and save $1 on admission!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
touchet ffa presents donkey basketball
Redhawk Happenings with a full week of activities! The start of high school basketball, Lego robotics is in full swing, middle school boys' basketball action, and Donkey Basketball Sunday evening presented by the FFA!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Redhawk Happenings this week!
This weeks Touchet Staff Spotlight is Mrs. Julie Frenzel! Touchet school is so lucky to have Mrs. Frenzel offering assistance in both the elementary and secondary buildings but more importantly she does a wonderful job capturing amazing memories for our yearbook and teaching our students how to do the same! Here are a few fun facts about Mrs. Frenzel you may not have known! "I've been at Touchet for about 5 years. Before, in another life, I worked in Health Insurance, a cupcake shop, a video post-production facility, Au Pair in France, Missionary in Chile, and I got to wear a MuMu every day when I worked at the Polynesian Cultural Center while I was a student at BYU-Hawaii. I love Recess! and I really enjoy taking photos of everything going on at Touchet! "It's for Yearbook" I love growing and arranging flowers. I love music, art, cultural studies, and I enjoying listening to NPR." And her favorite place to vacation is, The Beach! Thank you Mrs. Frenzel! We sure appreciate you!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
touchet staff spotlight mrs Frenzel
Who doesn't love a good game of Jeopardy! Especially if it's all about Washington State Geography AND you get to win CHOCOLATE! Awesome Job 4th grade students! Keep up the hard work while mixing in a little fun!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
fourth grade jeopardy
fourth grade jeopardy
fourth grade jeopardy
forth grade jeopardy
fourth grade jeopardy
Fall Sports are officially over, but we want to recognize our fall sports athletes! Save the date: Friday, November 17th, @ 7 pm, in the school cafeteria, the Booster Club will be providing pizza and treats as we celebrate all of our High School Volleyball and Football players! And mark your calendars as the Lady Redhawk Basketball team starts practice on Monday, November 13th @ 3 p.m., with the locker room being open at @2:45, (because there is no school). The first Boy's Basketball practice is Tuesday, November 14th @ 5 pm!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Fall Sports awards Banquet and Basketball Practice Starts
Dear Touchet School District Parents and Guardians, In our ongoing efforts to reach our community members effectively, we are sending this notice out via email, text, Facebook, and Voice Call. If you do not receive an email, phone call, and text message, please contact the school to update your information. Thank You
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Communications UPDATE
Redhawk Happenings this week! Please check the News Feed for an important communications update! Conferences with early release this week!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Redhawk Happenings
We are excited to announce that Touchet ASB is hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive, benefiting local families. It will run from Nov 6th -Nov 21st. Prizes will be awarded to the classes that collect the most donations, one winner in Elementary, one in Middle School, and one in High School. Middle School and High School students can drop off their donations to their advisory teachers. Let's make this a special Thanksgiving for our students and our amazing community!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Thanksgiving Food Drive List
This week's Touchet Teacher Spotlight is Mrs. Kimberly Garcia! Mrs. Garcia is just a couple of weeks away from welcoming her new baby girl! Here are a few fun facts about Mrs. Garcia! Mrs. Garcia has been teaching for 5 years now! When asked what intrigues her most about teaching science she said, "I love how hands-on it is, and how science incorporates other subjects. I always tell the students that "Science is the baby of math and English". You need to be able to do both to do science. Learning science also gives you such an appreciation for how complex the world is around us. The students also really enjoy the labs, so that is a bonus!" Her favorite experiment to teach in the lab is the contaminated well lab. Each "well" is a solution with a different chemical in it. You dip a cotton swab in the solution and then burn it with a Bunsen burner. The flame will be different colors, depending on the chemical in it! You can get lavender, red, and even blue-green flames! As a new mom, she is looking forward to seeing baby Rose grow and learn about the world around her. She can't wait to see her start reaching milestones. She's very excited about the toddler stage and can ask "why" about everything. She is most nervous about the future lack of sleep! We asked Mrs. Garcia if she had any fun science facts, she shared with her students about being pregnant, and this is what she taught them! "I asked the students about how they thought babies breathe, even though they are surrounded by liquid. The answer is this: why do we breathe? We do it to get oxygen into our blood, and to keep our cells alive. Babies share a blood supply with their mom. I breathe and move the oxygen into my blood, and then that blood travels to her and helps her cells stay alive. It's pretty cool!" Thank you, Mrs. Garcia, for your commitment to your science students. Wishing you a smooth delivery of your baby girl!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Mrs. Garcia
BASKETBALL IS HERE! Interviews Next Week! Ready to join the Redhawk Coaching Staff? Get your application in today!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Check out what our Plant/Ag/Food and Natural Resource science students started in our greenhouse! It may be chilly and wet outside, but our greenhouse is warm and cozy and ready to start growing! The kids planted cucumbers, cilantro, and dill using the hydroponic tower gardens! The middle school WIN class will supply produce to the cafeteria as a collaborative project. Stay tuned for updates as we get to watch these veggies and herbs grow!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
hydroponic tower
hydroponic tower
Hydroponic tower
growing tower
cilantro growing tower
Guess What RedHawk Football Fans? You get another chance to watch this year's football team in action! The Touchet Redhawk Football team will be playing the Entiat Tigers this Saturday with a 1 p.m. Kickoff on the Redhawk Field! GO Redhawks!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Redhawk Football Team
Redhawk Happenings This Week!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Redhawk Happenings this week!  Elementary Costume Parade, Lego Robotics, and coffee with the superintenent
It's GAME DAY! And time to recognize our Seniors! Let's fill the stands and give our Touchet Redhawk Seniors a huge sendoff as they finish out their season today against the Tekoa-Rosalia Timberwolves! GO REDHAWKS!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
GAME DAY Senior Recognition
This week's Touchet Teacher Spotlight is Mr. Karl Loree! What better time to teach the battle for X in Algebra class than Halloween, while dressed as a Roman warrior? ~Mr. Loree has been a teacher now for 14 Years! ~He went to college at Eastern Washington University and Walla Walla University. ~His favorite class as an elementary kid was recess! ~But his favorite class in high school was Spanish. And favorite class in college was physics. ~When he's not busy teaching, he enjoys hiking, fishing, basketball, and reading. ~When asked what he thinks he would have been if he wasn't a teacher, Mr. Loree thought maybe a doctor OR, a professional basketball coach! Thank you for creatively and engagingly teaching our students Mr. Loree! Touchet is lucky to have you in our district!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Mr. Loree Touchet Teacher Spotlight
~RedHawk Happenings this Week~ Don't miss all the fall fun this week, and the last of the fall sports for the season!
9 months ago, Hillary Pumphrey
Redhawk Happenings